Does this pass the commonsense test?

by Sep 1, 20240 comments

I am a passionate pragmatist. I believe that legislation should pass the commonsense test instead of pandering to extremist on either side of the aisle.


Putting guns in the hands of 18-year-olds WITHOUT A PERMIT, WITHOUT ANY TRAINING, (not even safety training) and allowing untrained teenagers to openly carry those guns —doesn’t pass the commonsense test. (H.3594)

School Vouchers:

I believe our state representatives should be fiscally responsible. Spending $30 million in taxpayer dollars on private school vouchers to educate 5,000 out of 750,000 kids — doesn’t pass the commonsense test.

Hungry South Carolinian Children:

Voting yes to spending $30 million taxpayer dollars to send 5,000 kids to private school while not supporting a bill extending the summer free lunch program for over 150,000 eligible, hungry kids in South Carolina at a cost of $3 million dollars, or $20 per taxpayer, — well that doesn’t pass the commonsense test either. (H.5164)

Abortion & Birth Control:

I believe our state representatives should limit government overreach. Passing legislation that doesn’t allow women enough time to know they’re pregnant, then making them ENDURE FORCED PREGNANCIES (S.B. 474) while voting AGAINST 12-month access to birth control and voting NO to the Pharmacy Access Act allowing women to obtain a prescription for birth control from their local pharmacist — doesn’t pass the commonsense test. (H.3809)

I believe our state legislature should reflect the population it represents. Having no women in the room when important decisions affecting our bodies, healthcare, and families are being made — doesn’t pass the commonsense test.

I believe that it is time for a change in the way that we view our current political landscape and the way that we interact with those with whom we disagree. It is time that we come together and find our common ground, our common unity, our community. We all want to be free to pursue our passions, to protect and provide for ourselves and our loved ones, and to know that our government is working for the good of all the people that it represents. Jeff Bradley’s voting record shows that he has supported an extremist conservative agenda, an agenda that most of the people of this district do not agree with, an agenda that quite frankly — doesn’t pass the commonsense test.