The Importance of State and Local Elections

by Sep 1, 20240 comments

When it comes to our current political landscape it is clear that national politics have hijacked the conversation surrounding elections and politics in general. When most people are asked who they plan to vote for they are thinking about Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, Republican or Democrat, and while national elections are important, the truth is, that our local elections are more important than ever before.

Right now, in our statehouse, decisions are being made that will greatly impact our future. Decisions about our access to healthcare, the way that we help and support the under-privileged, our environment and protecting our beautiful coastline, how to educate and support our children, civil rights for countless different groups, the list goes on and on. With South Carolina ranked third in the nation for the least number of women in state legislatures, it’s also important to note that most of these decisions are being made with no women in the room.

These decisions are not being made on a national level, they are being made right here, in South Carolina. The question that you need to ask yourself is, are the people that you have sent to the statehouse truly representing you, or are they representing a specific political agenda? Is your voice being truly heard?

I have my own views on all of these issues, and I’ve done my best to communicate those views on my website, and in my many public speaking engagements around District 123, but I want you to know that I am not running to blindly enforce my own personal views or solely the views of those that agree with me. I am running to represent all the citizens of District 123. I don’t think the same could be said about Jeff Bradley.