Jeff Bradley’s Extremist Abortion Agenda is Dangerous for South Carolina Women—It’s Time for Change

by Sep 22, 20240 comments

South Carolina’s District 123 deserves leadership that fights for women, not against them. Jeff Bradley, our current House Representative, has continuously supported some of the most extreme abortion bans in the country. His votes are not just in line with a hardline agenda, they go beyond even what many of his Republican colleague’s support in the South Carolina House and Senate.

Bradley’s voting record on abortion is clear and brutal: He has voted for bans with no exceptions for rape or incest. He has even sponsored a ban on abortion starting at conception. Because of his actions, South Carolina now has a 6-week abortion ban—a law that many call one of the strictest in the United States. To make matters worse, most women don’t even know they are pregnant at six weeks, meaning this law functions more like a total abortion ban than the “reasonable compromise” some would have you believe.

On the campaign trail, I’ve heard comments from both men and women that highlight how misunderstood this law is. One woman told me, “Well, you can get an abortion around every street corner in South Carolina.” Another man added, “It seems to me that six weeks is plenty of time to get an abortion if a woman needs one.” Both statements couldn’t be further from the truth. Let’s set the record straight.

The Harsh Reality of Abortion Access in South Carolina

There are exactly three abortion providers in the entire state of South Carolina:

  1. Planned Parenthood in Columbia
  2. Planned Parenthood in Charleston
  3. A clinic in Greenville, which is expected to close by the end of this year

That’s it. No more. No less. Private OBGYNs don’t perform abortions, largely due to state laws that require them to register as an abortion clinic if they perform more than five abortions, including dispensing medication abortions. So, in practice, women seeking an abortion must travel to one of these three clinics. And they must make that journey twice—once for a state-mandated ultrasound and counseling session, and then again to receive the actual abortion or medication.

If you don’t live near one of these three cities, you’re looking at significant time off work, potentially multiple days, women with children may have to secure childcare for multiple days, and paying to travel up to five hours each way to get the healthcare you need. That’s assuming you even find out you’re pregnant early enough to comply with the 6-week deadline imposed by the current law.

Even worse, South Carolina OBGYNs can’t prescribe abortion medications, and pharmacies in our state don’t fill prescriptions for mifepristone or misoprostol—the very medications used for medication abortions. This puts women in an impossible situation.

Bradley’s Ban is a De Facto Total Ban

South Carolina’s 6-week abortion ban isn’t just a restriction; it’s a functional ban. The healthcare facilities available for abortions are already overburdened with their normal services for men and women, like wellness checks, cancer screenings, birth control counseling, and treatment for STDs. With the mandatory two appointments required under the law, securing an abortion within the limited time frame becomes nearly impossible. As a result, many women are being forced to travel to North Carolina and Virginia to access the healthcare they need.

This law isn’t just devastating for women; it’s also driving doctors out of the state. OBGYNs, fearing prosecution under the murky guidelines of the law, are choosing not to come to South Carolina for their residencies. Many are leaving to practice in states where they can provide life-saving care without fear.

With South Carolina’s maternal mortality rate 47% higher than the national average, and African American women facing a rate 2.5 times higher than that of white women, we are on the verge of a healthcare catastrophe. Less access to healthcare is putting women’s lives on the line.

Bradley Has Put Women in Jeopardy, But He’s Not Done Yet

The scariest part? Jeff Bradley isn’t finished. He wants to push even more extreme policies, including an abortion ban at conception. Under his leadership, women in South Carolina have lost their freedom to make decisions about their own bodies, and many have lost access to crucial healthcare services altogether.

This is why we cannot afford another term with Jeff Bradley. He has proven, time and again, that his priorities are not with the women of South Carolina. His votes and the legislation he sponsors endanger our lives, strip us of our bodily autonomy, and impose a cruel, nearly impossible set of restrictions on healthcare access.

The Time for Change is Now—Here’s What I Stand For

I’m running for the South Carolina House of Representatives in District 123 because women deserve better. Our state deserves better. I will fight to restore our reproductive rights and protect our access to healthcare. I will do everything in my power to bring South Carolina back to a place where women can make their own decisions about their bodies

I won’t stop until the rights we lost under Roe v. Wade are restored here in South Carolina. I will have your back, I will listen to your voice, and I will fight for a future where women are no longer second-class citizens in the eyes of our state legislature.

I am asking for your vote because I believe South Carolina deserves better. Let’s stand up for the women of this state. Let’s fight for our rights, our health, and our future.

Vote for me, Lisette Cifaldi, for your next South Carolina House Representative in District 123, and let’s take back our state.